
From 13 to 16 September 2022, Temper enterprise took part in the specialized exhibition “ROS-GAS-EXPO” — one of the largest exhibitions of the gas industry in Russia. The event was held as part of the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum.

The Forum included 80 events of the business program. More than 17,000 participants from 51 countries attended the Forum. On the area of 45,000 square meters 500 companies from around the world presented the latest developments for the gas industry in the frameworks of the exhibition program.


"ROS-GAS-EXPO" is an important event for Temper company, as it allows us both to find new customers and discuss the results of cooperation with long-standing partners. 2022 was a particularly productive year: demand for the production has increased by 40% compared to the previous year.

Продукт Темпер на стенде Небольшая часть наших партнёров Газовое оборудование Темпер На полях газового форума Деловой разговор Директор Темпер на РОС-ГАЗ-ЭКСПО